UP Board 2017: A Fellow Traveller (Long Question)
Lesson: A Fellow-Traveller | Composed by: A. G. Gardiner | Long question by: Nanna Sir
The Sense Of Freedom- When the writer was alone in the carriage, he felt the pleasant sense of freedom. He could do anything what he liked in the carriage. When the writer was reading the newspaper, a mosquito came and sat on his nose. The writer generally flicked off it. After same time the mosquito came and sat on his neck. The writer again flikcked off it.
Anger- After some the mosquito came and sat on his back side hand. Seeing this, the writer became very angry and decided to kill it.
Helpless and stupid- When the mosquito sat on the back side, he became very angry. He said, "Magnanimity has it's limits.I will kill you." The writer tried best to kill the mosquito bat he could not kill it. It was all in van. When the writer could not kill the mosquito, he found himself stupid and helpless before the mosquito.
Philosophy- When the writer could not kill the mosquito, he became philosophy. He expressed affection to towards mosquito. He also expressed mercy and sympathy.
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Please: मैं उम्मीद करता हूँ की आपको "UP Board 2017: A Fellow Traveller (Long Question)" पसंद आया होगा. अगर आपको ये "Long Question and Answer of A Fellow Traveller by Nanna Sir." पसंद आया है तो तुरंत हमारे फेसबुक पेज को like करें और पोस्ट की updates पाने के लिए हमारा Email Subscription subscribe करें.
A Fellow Traveller (Long Question) & Long Answer
Question:- What feelings did the writer begin to think helpless and stupid before the he could not kill? (जब लेखक मक्षर को नहीं मार सका तब उसने अपने आपको असहाय एवं मूर्ख के समक्ष क्यों समझा?)
Describe the various feelings and reaction before the mosquito during his journey?(अपनी यात्रा के दौरान लेखक की विभिन्न भावनाओं एवं क्रियाओं का वर्णन कीजिये.)
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A Fellow Traveller - A. G. Gardiner |
Introduction- The writer was travelling by train. Due to mosquito, the writer sufferd much during his journey.
Travelling makes and teaches tradition.It was last train from London to Midland city. When writer got into the carriage, it was full of passengers. When the train reached the sub-urban stations, one by one all passengers got down (elighted). When the train reached outer ring of London, the writer was all alone in the compartment (carriage) then he felt lonelyness.
The Sense Of Freedom- When the writer was alone in the carriage, he felt the pleasant sense of freedom. He could do anything what he liked in the carriage. When the writer was reading the newspaper, a mosquito came and sat on his nose. The writer generally flicked off it. After same time the mosquito came and sat on his neck. The writer again flikcked off it.
Anger- After some the mosquito came and sat on his back side hand. Seeing this, the writer became very angry and decided to kill it.
Anger is the root all ebilsThe writer said, "I assume the black cap and i will condom to death, because their are many counts (charges) against you. You are vagraint. You are travelling without ticket.
Helpless and stupid- When the mosquito sat on the back side, he became very angry. He said, "Magnanimity has it's limits.I will kill you." The writer tried best to kill the mosquito bat he could not kill it. It was all in van. When the writer could not kill the mosquito, he found himself stupid and helpless before the mosquito.
Philosophy- When the writer could not kill the mosquito, he became philosophy. He expressed affection to towards mosquito. He also expressed mercy and sympathy.
Without mercy man is like beast.He said that, We are mortal. He also thought the mircle of life. At last he was lost in philosopher thinking. Such was the travelling of the writer for London to Midland.
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Please: मैं उम्मीद करता हूँ की आपको "UP Board 2017: A Fellow Traveller (Long Question)" पसंद आया होगा. अगर आपको ये "Long Question and Answer of A Fellow Traveller by Nanna Sir." पसंद आया है तो तुरंत हमारे फेसबुक पेज को like करें और पोस्ट की updates पाने के लिए हमारा Email Subscription subscribe करें.
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