UP Board 2017: A Fellow Traveller (Long Question)

Lesson: A Fellow-Traveller | Composed by: A. G. Gardiner | Long question by: Nanna Sir A Fellow Traveller (Long Question) & Long Answer Question:- What feelings did the writer begin to think helpless and stupid before the he could not kill? (जब लेखक मक्षर को नहीं मार सका तब उसने अपने आपको असहाय एवं मूर्ख के समक्ष क्यों समझा?) or Describe the various feelings and reaction before the mosquito during his journey?(अपनी यात्रा के दौरान लेखक की विभिन्न भावनाओं एवं क्रियाओं का वर्णन कीजिये.) A Fellow Traveller - A. G. Gardiner और लेख पढ़े:- A Girl With A Basket (Long Question) Answer- Introduction - The writer was travelling by train. Due to mosquito, the writer sufferd much during his journey. Travelling makes and teaches tradition. It was last train from London to Midland city. When writer got into the carriage, it was full of passengers. When the train reached the sub-urban stations, one by one all passengers got down (elighted). When the train reached o...